Hoe meitsje sifers en logo's fan fuotbaluniform mei printbere vinyl HTV-300S

Eco-solvent Printable Vinyl HTV-300S makke troch Alizarin Technologies Inc. & frijetiidsklean, fytsklean, arbeidsuniformen, skuimlear en skuon, skateboards, en nûmers en logo's fan basketbal- en fuotbaluniformen, ensfh.

Printers en materialen:

1. Roland Inkjet Printer / Cutter VS300i, Bn20, Mimaki CJV of oare Eco-Solvent Printers en vinyl cutting plotter dual

2. Printer / Cutter of vinyl snijplotter GS24, CG60, CE6000

3. Printable Vinyl HTV-300S

4. Heat parse machine

5. Lege fuotbaljersey

Besykje asjebleaft foar mear:https://www.alizarinchina.com/eco-solvent-printable-vinyl-product/, of Petear mei frou Tiffany troch WhatsApphttps://wa.me/8613506998622of per post stjoeresales@alizarin.com.cnfoar fergese samples


Tank en bêste groetnis

Frou Tiffany

Ien diel fan Alizarin Technologies Inc.
TEL: 0086-591-83766293/83766295
FAX: 0086-591-83766292
ADD: 901~903, NO.3 gebou, UNIS SCI-TECH Park, Fuzhou High-Tech Zone, Fujian, Sina.

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Post tiid: Sep-06-2023

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