Clò-bhualadh dath sgoinneil agus gearradh grinn PU HTW-300SR (V3M1) |

Bidh Alizarin a’ toirt seachad clò-bhualadh dath sgoinneil agus gearradh grinn PU HTW-300SR (V3M1) a chaidh a chlò-bhualadh le Roland Versa CAMM VS300i, BN20 msaa. Nylon / Spandex msaa le inneal preas teas.

Meud: 50cm X 30M / Roll, 100cm X 30M / Roll,
Clò-bhualadair: Roland Versa CAMM VS300i, Versa Studio BN20, Mimaki CJV130/CJV150.
Co-fhreagarrachd inc: inc Max eco-solvent, inc le fuasgladh tlàth, inc latex msaa.
HTW300SR(V3M1) - clò-bhualadh dath math gearraidh PU
Airson barrachd, tadhal air cuir fios gu Ms Wendy samples saor an asgaidh
Mòran taing agus an aire as fheàrr
Ms Wendy
#heattransfervinyl #printablePU #colorprintPU #heattransferfilm #transferpaper #Alizarin #prettystickers #heattransfervinyl #cuttingvinyl #printablevinyl #printandcutpu #DigitalPrintingTransferPaper
#EcoSolventTShirtTransferPaper #DarkEcosolventPrintablePUFlex
#EcoSolventPrintable VinylforTShirt #PUVinylHeatTransfer

Ùine puist: Lùnastal-29-2022

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