treud vinyl gluasad teas dath ioma-fhilleadh |

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Meud: 12” X50cm Roll, 15meter X 50cm Roll, A3, meud A4 cuideachd
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Le meas as fheàrr
Grianach Ms

Tha fiosrachadh mu Alizarin Technologies Inc.
Fòn: 0086-591-83766293/83766295
Facs: 0086-591-83766292

ADD: 901 ~ 903, togalach NO.3, Pàirc SCI-TECH UNIS, Sòn Àrd-theicneòlas Fuzhou, Fujian, Sìona.

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Ùine puist: Dàmhair-25-2022

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