Shanghai soidhne expo | Clò-bhuailte meòrachail PU Flex HTS-300SRF |

Bidh sinn a’ toirt a-mach measgachadh de Eco-solvent Printable PU Flex airson clò-bhualadairean Eco-solvent Print and Cut InkJet, leithid Roland VS300i, 540i, Roland BN20, Mimaki CJV150-107, no clò-bhuailte le clò-bhualadairean Eco-solvent singilte, agus an uairsin air an gearradh le vinyl cuilbheart gearradh. aig a bheil feartan suathadh bog, dath clò-bhualaidh soilleir, agus sàr-aghaidh uisge. Gus diofar àiteachan cruthachail a thoirt do luchd-ceannach,
Stuthan as urrainn dhuinn a thoirt seachad:
1. Solas eco-solvent clò-bhuailte PU Flex (HT-150S)
2. Dark Eco-solvent clò-bhuailte PU Flex (HTW-300SRP)
3. Glitter airgead HTS-300SGL (glitter airgid)
4. Brilliant metalized HTS-300SB
5. Bright òir HTG-300SB
6. Printable meòrachail HTS-300SRF
7. Glow clò-bhuailte ann an dorcha HTGD-300S
8. Pearly geal HTW-300SF
no cuir fios gu Ms Tiffany samples saor an asgaidh
Mòran taing agus Beannachd leat
Ms Tiffany
Manaidsear Roinn Reic.
#heattransfervinyl #printableflock #alizarin #prettystickers #heatpressmachine #phototransferpaper #vinylcutter #inkjetphotopaper #printandcut #inkjettransferpaper #solventprinter #Roland #Mimaki #graphtec

Ùine puist: Lùnastal-28-2022

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