
Mini tafiya zafi latsa

Mini tafiya zafi latsa:

■ Ƙarfi: 450W
■ AC 230V 50HZ
■ Girman raka'a: 112x59x129mm
■ Nauyi: kamar 430g
■ Yanayin zafin jiki: 140/170/200 ℃

Cikakken Bayani

Amfanin Samfur

Cikakken Bayani

Mini tafiya zafi latsa

Mini tafiya zafi latsa

n Girman raka'a: 112 x 59 x 129mm

■ Ƙarfi: 450W
■ AC 230V 50HZ
■ Nauyi: kamar 430g
■ Yanayin zafin jiki: 140/170/200 ℃
n Ana kashe ta atomatik: Minti 13 bayan kunnan ƙarfe
n Timer atomatik: 25s bayan ɗagawa
n Alamar dumama: Hasken lemu lokacin dumama
■ Buzzer: Kunnawa/kashe/Shirya/25s Iron-kan
■ Tsawon igiyar wuta: 1.5m, farar launi
∎ Kowanne a cikin cikakken akwati mai launi
CTN MEAS: kusan 25.5*24.5*31.5cm/12pcs
n GW/NW: kusan 6/5.1kgs

Ƙari daga aikace-aikacen mu

mini - S9A1355-203
mini - S9A1355-202
mini - S9A1355-205
mini - S9A1355-206

Amfanin samfur

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    Hello, please provide your phone and email here before leaving a message, we are happy to provide our product application, price, agency, technical support or other concerns
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    *Content (product, quantity, price and others)