Yuav lub Hoobkas hauv Jinshan, Shanghai, Shanghai R & D Center tsim

Alizarin Technologies (Shanghai) Inc.

Xyoo 2020, Alizarin Technologies (Shanghai) Inc. tau tsim los ntawm No. 18-19, Txoj Kev 818, Xianing Road, Jinshan Industrial Park, Shanghai, thiab tau cog lus rau kev tshawb fawb thiab kev tsim cov khoom tshiab.

Peb nyob ntawm no los pab koj ua tiav


Chaw txais tos


Chaw ua haujlwm


Chaw ua haujlwm cheeb tsam

Tiv tauj peb

No. 18 ~ 19, Txoj Kev 818, Xia Ning Road, Jinshan District, Shanghai
Xov tooj: +86-21-67230665
Tus Fax: + 86-21-67230663

Post lub sij hawm: Oct-06-2024

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