Cov khoom

Code Cov khoom Feem ntau Features Inks Saib
HTW-300 SP Eco-solvent Tsaus Printable PU Flex Super-Soft PU Flex luam tawm los ntawm txhua yam ntawm Eco-Solvent inkjet tshuab luam ntawv, thiab tom qab ntawd txiav los ntawm yas txiav plotter uas lamination nyias daim ntawv thov zaj duab xis Eco-Solvent number case, BS4 ink, HP latex number case Ntau
HTW-300SR (V3G) Eco-solvent Tsaus Printable PU Flex tshwj xeeb tsim glossy PET kab rau Fine txiav, zoo ib yam txiav, rau tej ntaub, thiab zoo heev washable. Eco-Solvent number case, HP latex number case, UV number case Ntau
HTW-300SR (V3M1) Eco-solvent Tsaus Printable PU Flex tshwj xeeb tsim glossy / matte PET kab rau kev txiav zoo, txiav zoo ib yam, rau 100% paj rwb, paj rwb / polyester muab ntaub. Eco-Solvent number case, BS4 ink, HP latex number case Ntau
HTW-300SR (V3M2) Eco-solvent Tsaus Printable PU Flex tshwj xeeb tsim Ob chav matte PET kab rau Super-Fine txiav, rau 100% paj rwb, paj rwb / polyester sib tov ntaub, zoo washable Eco-Solvent number case, BS4 ink, HP latex number case Ntau
HT-150 (txias / kub tev) Lub teeb InkJet hloov daim ntawv Fine txiav los ntawm rooj vinyl txiav plotter, thiab zoo ntxuav, matte tiav nrog kub tev, glossy tiav nrog txias tev Ib txwm dye, pigment number case, los yog sublimation number case Ntau
HT-150R (kub tev) Lub teeb InkJet hloov daim ntawv kub tev nrog matte tiav thiab muag muag, yooj yim rau siv thiab tus nqi qis, rau cov ntaub dawb lossis lub teeb xim. Ib txwm dye, pigment number case, los yog sublimation number case Ntau
HTS-300S Eco-Solvent Metallic Printable PU Flex Metallic nyhuv, Zoo saj zawg zog, washable, metallic nyhuv Eco-solvent, Eco-Solvent Max, BS4 number case, HP latex number case Ntau
HTS-300SB Eco-solvent Brilliant Metallized Printable PU Flex Brilliant metallic, ci ntsa iab hlau ntawm cov kab saum toj kawg nkaus, xim yuav raug hloov nrog cov nyhuv metallic tom qab luam ntawv Eco-solvent, Eco-Solvent Max, BS4 number case, HP latex number case Ntau
HT-150R Subli-Lub teeb Subli-light InkJet Hloov Ntawv luam tawm los ntawm sublimation number case nrog ci xim tom qab hloov rau 100% paj rwb dawb los yog lub teeb xim ntaub. Ib txwm dye, pigment number case, los yog sublimation number case Ntau
HTG-300S-Golden Eco-kua kub Golden Printable PU Flex nrog cov xim hlau golden tom qab, Zoo txiav, zoo qhuav thiab ntub kev sib txhuam resistant, rau 100% paj rwb, paj rwb / polyester muab ntaub Eco-Solvent number case, HP Latex number case, UV number case Ntau
HT-150P (kub tev) Lub teeb InkJet hloov daim ntawv kub tev nrog matte tiav thiab muag muag, rau cov xim dawb lossis lub teeb xim 100% paj rwb, paj rwb / polyester sib xyaw ntaub. Ib txwm dye, pigment number case, los yog sublimation number case Ntau
HT-150EP (kub tev) Lub teeb InkJet hloov daim ntawv kub tev nrog matte tiav thiab muag muag, rau cov xim dawb lossis lub teeb xim 100% paj rwb, paj rwb / polyester sib xyaw ntaub. Ib txwm dye, pigment number case, los yog sublimation number case Ntau

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