Eco-Solvent Mgbanwe Mbipụta

Eco-Solvent Mgbanwe Mbipụta

A na-emepụta Alizarin PrettyStickers maka ndị na-ebi akwụkwọ nwere ink Solvent, ezigbo ink ihe mgbaze, Eco-Solvent Max ink, na ink Latex, UV ink, na-egbutu ya site na onye na-egbutu vinyl dị ka Roland GS24, Mimaki CG-60, Graphtec CE wdg kacha mma. maka Bipute & bee igwe dị ka Mimaki CJV150, Roland Versa CAMM VS300i, Versa Studio BN20 wdg Na anyị ọhụrụ na-ekpo ọkụ gbazee nrapado akara bụ adabara nyefee jidesie textiles dị ka owu, ngwakọta nke polyester / owu na polyester / acrylic, naịlọn / Spandex wdg Site okpomọkụ pịa igwe. Ndị a dị mma maka ịhazi T-shirts gbara ọchịchịrị, ma ọ bụ na-acha ọkụ, akpa akwa akwa, uwe egwuregwu na oge ntụrụndụ, uwe, uwe ịnya igwe, akwụkwọ nkwado na ihe ndị ọzọ. Atụmatụ pụtara ìhè nke ngwaahịa a bụ ịcha mma, ịkpụ na-agbanwe agbanwe na ọmarịcha ịsacha.

Koodu Ngwaahịa Isi atụmatụ Ink Lelee
HTG-300S-Golden Eco-solvent Golden ebi ebi PU Flex nwere okirikiri ọla edo dara, mbelata dị mma, ezigbo nkụ na mgbochi mmiri na-eguzogide, maka 100% owu, akwa akwa / polyester ngwakọta Ink Eco-solvent, HP Latex ink, UV ink Ọzọ
HTG-300SB (Ọlaedo mara mma) Eco-solvent Brilliant Golden Printable PU Flex na ọmarịcha ọla ọla edo na-egbuke egbuke, agba ga-agbanwe ya na mmetụta ọla mgbe e bipụtachara ya Ink eco-solvent, ink BS4, ink latex HP, ink UV Ọzọ
HTW-300SA Subi-Kwụsị Eco-solvent Subi-Kwụsị Mgbanwe Mbipụta na oyi akwa mkpuchi pụrụ iche nke nwere ike igbochi mbugharị nke ink sublimation, maka 100% polyester sublimation fabric. Ink Eco-solvent, HP Latex ink, UV ink Ọzọ
HTGD-300S Eco-solvent Glow Ọchịchịrị PU Flex ebibiri Na-egbuke egbuke PU Flex gbara ọchịchịrị nwere ogologo nchekwa oge nchekwa foto-chromic, ogo mbipụta foto, ezigbo akọrọ na mgbochi mgbochi mmiri. Ink eco-solvent, ink BS4, ink latex HP, ink UV Ọzọ
HTF-300S Eco-Solvent igwe a na-ebi ebi White rayon-viscose ìgwè atụrụ maka eco na ezi ihe mgbaze na-ebi akwụkwọ, maka 100% owu, owu / polyester ngwakọta akwa na ìgwè atụrụ udidi Ink eco-solvent, ink BS4, ink UV Ọzọ
HTS-300SGL Eco-solvent Glitter Silver Printable PU Flex Site na okirikiri ọla na-egbuke egbuke nke PU Flex a na-ebi ebi, mgbe ebipụtachara & bufee, a ga-eji mmetụta ọla na-egbuke egbuke gbanwee agba. Ink eco-solvent, ink BS4, ink latex HP, ink UV Ọzọ
HTS-300SC chameleon Eco-solvent Metallized PU Flex ebibiri Chameleon, mgbanwe agba na akụkụ, nwere ezigbo mgbanwe, ịsacha, mmetụta ọla. Ink eco-solvent, ink BS4, ink latex HP, ink UV Ọzọ
HTS-300SRF Eco-Solvent Mbipụta PU Flex ya na akwa pigmenti na-egbuke egbuke iji mụbaa visibiliti maka 100% owu, owu / ployester ngwakọta mara mma Uwe ọrụ Ink eco-solvent, ink BS4, ink latex HP, ink UV Ọzọ
HTW-300SAF Sub-Mgbochi Eco-solvent Subi-Block PU Flex a na-ebi ebi Mkpebi mbipụta dị elu, yana ịsacha nke ọma, Nọmba na Logos Of Football Uniform na-egbutu nke ọma na nke ọma Ink Eco-solvent, HP Latex ink, UV ink Ọzọ
HTG-300SF FoilTex-Golden Eco-solvent FoilTex Golden Printable PU Flex Luster ọla edo pearl, nwere mmetụta ọla edo dị iche mgbe ebipụtachara yana ikpo ọkụ na-ebufe site na akwa akwa Ink Eco-solvent, HP Latex ink, UV ink Ọzọ
HTS-300SF FoilTex-Metallic Eco-solvent FoilTex Metallic PU Flex na-ebipụta Ọlaọcha ọla kọpa pearl, nwere mmetụta ọla edo dị iche mgbe ebipụtachara yana ikpo ọkụ na-ebufe site na akwa akwa Eco-solvent ink, Eco-Solvent Max ink, BS4 ink, HP latex ink Ọzọ
HTW-300SF FoilTex - Pearly Eco-solvent Pearly White ebibiri PU Flex pearlescent luster, Pearly ọcha nke n'elu ahịrị, agba nwere mmetụta pearlescent mgbe e bipụtachara ya Eco-solvent, Eco-solvent Max, BS4 ink, HP latex ink Ọzọ

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