
Koodu Ngwaahịa Isi atụmatụ Ink Lelee
HTW-300SP Eco-ihe mgbaze gbara ọchịchịrị PU Flex Super-Soft PU Flex nke ndị na-ebi akwụkwọ inkjet Eco-Solvent dị iche iche ebipụtara, wee bee site na ịcha vinyl na-egbutu ihe nkiri ngwa ngwa. Ink eco-solvent, ink BS4, ink latex HP Ọzọ
HTW-300SR (V3G) Eco-ihe mgbaze gbara ọchịchịrị PU Flex ahịrị PET na-egbukepụ egbukepụ pụrụ iche maka ịkpụcha mma, ịkpụ na-agbanwe agbanwe, maka akwa ọ bụla, yana nke nwere ọmarịcha ịsacha. Ink eco-solvent, ink latex HP, ink UV Ọzọ
HTW-300SR (V3M1) Eco-ihe mgbaze gbara ọchịchịrị PU Flex ahịrị PET nke kenkowaputa / matte emepụtara pụrụ iche maka ịcha mma, ịkpụ na-agbanwe agbanwe, maka 100% owu, akwa akwa / polyester ngwakọta. Ink eco-solvent, ink BS4, ink latex HP Ọzọ
HTW-300SR (V3M2) Eco-ihe mgbaze gbara ọchịchịrị PU Flex ahịrị abụọ matte PET emepụtara pụrụ iche maka ịkpụchasị mma, maka 100% owu, akwa akwa / polyester ngwakọta, ezigbo ịsacha. Ink eco-solvent, ink BS4, ink latex HP Ọzọ
HT-150 (oyi/ọkụ bee) Akwụkwọ mbufe InkJet Light Ọkpụkpụ dị mma site na onye na-egbu osisi vinyl, yana ịsacha nke ọma, matte emechara ya na bee dị ọkụ, kenkowaputa na bee oyi gwụ. Agba nkịtị, ink pigmenti ma ọ bụ ink sublimation Ọzọ
HT-150R (ọkụ bee) Akwụkwọ mbufe InkJet Light bee na-ekpo ọkụ na matte gwụchara na mmetụta dị nro, dị mfe iji na ọnụ ala dị ala, maka ákwà ọcha ọ bụla na-acha ọcha ma ọ bụ ìhè. Agba nkịtị, ink pigmenti ma ọ bụ ink sublimation Ọzọ
HTS-300S Eco-Solvent igwe anaghị ebi ebi PU Flex Ọla mmetụta, Ezi mgbanwe, washable, ọla mmetụta Eco-solvent, Eco-solvent Max, BS4 ink, HP latex ink Ọzọ
HTS-300SB Eco-solvent Brilliant Metallized Printable PU Flex Ọla dara na-egbuke egbuke, ọla na-egbuke egbuke nke ahịrị elu, agba ga-agbanwe ya na mmetụta dara mgbe ebipụtachara Eco-solvent, Eco-solvent Max, BS4 ink, HP latex ink Ọzọ
HT-150R Subli-Light Akwụkwọ Nyefe InkJet dị ọkụ ebipụtara site sublimation ink na-egbuke egbuke na agba mgbe ebufe maka 100% owu na-acha ọcha ma ọ bụ ìhè acha ákwà. Agba nkịtị, ink pigmenti ma ọ bụ ink sublimation Ọzọ
HTG-300S-Golden Eco-solvent Golden ebi ebi PU Flex nwere okirikiri ọla edo dara, mbelata dị mma, ezigbo nkụ na mgbochi mmiri na-eguzogide, maka 100% owu, akwa akwa / polyester ngwakọta Ink Eco-solvent, HP Latex ink, UV ink Ọzọ
HT-150P (ọkụ bee) Akwụkwọ mbufe InkJet Light bee na-ekpo ọkụ na matte gwụchara na mmetụta dị nro, maka agba ọcha ma ọ bụ ọkụ 100% owu, akwa akwa / polyester ngwakọta. Agba nkịtị, ink pigmenti ma ọ bụ ink sublimation Ọzọ
HT-150EP (ọkụ bee) Akwụkwọ mbufe InkJet Light bee na-ekpo ọkụ na matte gwụchara na mmetụta dị nro, maka agba ọcha ma ọ bụ ọkụ 100% owu, akwa akwa / polyester ngwakọta. Agba nkịtị, ink pigmenti ma ọ bụ ink sublimation Ọzọ

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