
Koodu Ngwaahịa Isi atụmatụ Ink Lelee
CCF - adịchaghị Nbufe ọkụ PU Flex Premium oyi ma ọ bụ na-ekpo ọkụ bee, mma ịkpụ na ihe nrapado polyester film, ezigbo mgbanwe na elu àgwà polyurethane flex. vinyl ịcha plotter Roland, Mimaki, Graphtec wdg. Ọzọ
PPAG-120S Akwụkwọ sịntetik inkJet Eco-Solvent Matte, mbipụta ogo foto. Iji ngosi POP ime ụlọ ma ọ bụ obere oge dị n'èzí. Ink Eco-solvent, HP Latex ink, UV ink Ọzọ
PPG-170S Akwụkwọ sịntetik Eco-Solvent Arọ Dị arọ (Glossy) Elu gloss, ogo mbipụta foto, enweghị ihu ihu. Iji ngosi POP ime ụlọ ma ọ bụ obere oge dị n'èzí. Ink eco-solvent, ink BS4, ink UV Ọzọ
PEP-230S Akwụkwọ foto Eco-Solvent InkJet Glossy Elu gloss, ogo mbipụta foto, enweghị ihu ihu. Jiri ihe ngosi POP mepụta ọba foto, ime ụlọ ma ọ bụ obere oge dị n'èzí. Ink eco-solvent, ink BS4, ink UV Ọzọ
PPM-170S Akwụkwọ sịntetik Eco-Solvent InkJet Heavy Weight... Matte, ogo mbipụta foto, enweghị mgbagha ihu. Maka iji ihe ngosi POP ime ụlọ ma ọ bụ nke dị mkpụmkpụ. Ink eco-solvent, ink BS4, ink latex HP, ink UV Ọzọ
PEG-250S Ihe nkiri Eco-Solvent Ink Jet Backlit Translucent PP sịntetik na gburugburu ebe obibi dị mma maka ngosipụta igbe ọkụ ime ụlọ ma ọ bụ n'èzí Ink eco-solvent, ink BS4, ink latex HP, ink UV Ọzọ
CCF-ìgwè atụrụ Atụrụ vinyl na-ebufe ọkụ oyi ma ọ bụ bee, viscose ìgwè atụrụ mmetụ onwe-nrapado, mma ịkpụ, multi-agba machie, na-ekpo ọkụ-stamped na ụdị dị iche iche. vinyl ịcha plotter Roland, Mimaki, Graphtec wdg. Ọzọ
CCF-Glitter Nbufe ọkụ PU Flex Glitter ewute mmetụta, finely ịkpụ, Multi-agba superimposed okpomọkụ nyefe n'ihi na a dịgasị iche iche nke akwa. vinyl ịcha nkata Roland, Mimaki, Graphtec Ọzọ
CCF-Glow na Ọchịchịrị Mbufe ọkụ PU Flex Glow n'ọchịchịrị Na-egbuke egbuke na ọchịchịrị, na-egbuke egbuke, na ihe nkiri polyester ntọhapụ, nke a na-akpụ akpụ, Multi-color superimposed okpomọkụ nyefe maka akwa dị iche iche. vinyl ịcha nkata Roland, Mimaki, Graphtec Ọzọ
CCF-Ntụgharị uche Nfefe ọkụ PU Flex Reflective na-atụgharị uche, na ntọhapụ polyester film, finely bee, Multi-agba superimposed okpomọkụ nyefe maka dị iche iche nke akwa. vinyl ịcha nkata Roland, Mimaki, Graphtec Ọzọ
CCF-Metallic Okpomọkụ Nyefee PU Flex amamiihe ọla edo Golden na-egbuke egbuke, nke nwere nrapado onwe ya, nke a na-egbutu nke ọma, Multi-color superimposed okpomọkụ nyefe maka akwa dị iche iche. vinyl ịcha nkata Roland, Mimaki, Graphtec Ọzọ
CCF - ìhè anyanwụ Nnyefe ọkụ PU Flex anwụ-ìhè foto-chromic ihe onwunwe, na onwe-nrapado, finely ịkpụ, Multi-agba superimposed okpomọkụ nyefe dị iche iche nke akwa. vinyl ịcha nkata Roland, Mimaki, Graphtec Ọzọ

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