Logos na ọnụọgụ nwere Eco-solvent Subi-Block Printable PU Flex HTW-300SAF | AlizarinChina.com

1. Nkọwa
Dị ka anyị maara, a na-eji inks sublimation esiji uwe polyester maka agba na-egbuke egbuke. Ma molekul nke inks sublimation adịghị akwụwa aka ọtọ ọbụlagodi na a na-esiji ya site na polyester fiber, ha nwere ike ịkwaga n'oge ọ bụla, ma ọ bụrụ na ị ga-ebipụta ihe oyiyi ahụ na ngwaahịa Sublimated, molekul nke inks sublimation nwere ike banye n'ime ihe oyiyi ahụ, ihe oyiyi ahụ na-aghọ ihe ruru unyi mgbe a gachara. mgbe. Nke a bụ nke kachasị na mbipụta na-acha ọkụ ọkụ na uwe ojii.

 2. Uru 
ya na Eco-solvent Subi-Block Printable PU Flex HTW-300SAF nwere akwa mkpuchi pụrụ iche nke nwere ike igbochi mbugharị nke ink sublimation iji mee nọmba na akara ngosi nke bọọlụ basketball na bọọlụ.

■ Mkpebi mbipụta dị elu, yana ịsacha nke ọma. Ogo obibi akwụkwọ na nguzogide ịsa ahụ bụ otu HTW-300SRP anyị.
■ HTW-300SAF na-egbutu nke ọma, ọ na-egbutukwa nke ọma ma nwee ike ịkpụ n'ime ya. Enweghị oge echere maka ịkpụ mgbe ebipụchara.
■ HTW-300SAF sitere na PET, enwere ike iji mma na-adịghị mma
■ site na mkpuchi mkpuchi ọhụrụ anyị na teknụzụ lamination, HTW-300SAF nwere ike igbochi sublimation kpamkpam.
3. Nkọwapụta
■ Koodu ngwaahịa: HTW-300SAF
■ Aha ngwaahịa: Eco-solvent Subi-Block Printable PU Flex
■ Nkọwapụta: 50cm X 30M / Roll, nkọwa ndị ọzọ chọrọ.
■ Ink ndakọrịta: Mimaki BS4 ink, Roland Eco-solvent Max Ink, Mild-solvent Ink, HP Latex Ink wdg.

Maka ihe ndị ọzọ, biko kpọtụrụ Mr Henryhttps://wa.me/8613599392619e-mail:cc@alizarin.com.cnmaka free samples

Ekele na ekele kacha mma
Mr Henry

Ụlọ ọrụ Alizarin Technologies Inc.
TEL: 0086-591-83766293/83766295
FAX: 0086-591-83766292
gbakwunye: 901 ~ 903, NO.3 ụlọ, UNIS SCI-TECH Park, Fuzhou High-Tech Mpaghara, Fujian, China.

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Oge nzipu: Sep-06-2022

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