Eco-Solvent Printable Glitter HTS-300SGL |

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Pabrik Alizarin nyedhiyakake pemotongan sing apik, bisa dicuci kanthi apikEco-solvent Printable GlitterHTS-300SGL kanthi efek metalik sing cemlorot, sing dicithak dening printer inkjet Eco-solvent, printer inkjet UV, lan printer inkjet lateks, Iki minangka ide kanggo sandhangan olahraga sing warni, Tonton video tutorial langkah demi langkah ing ngisor iki

Langkah 1. Printing dening printer Eco-Solvent: kayataRoland VS300i Kab, 540i & Bn20,Mimaki CJV kanthi tinta BS4, utawa printer Eco Solvent liyane; printer ink jet lateks HP;

lan printer ink jet UV.

Langkah 2. Cutting dening Roland, Mimaki, Graphtec CE6000 vinyl cutting plotter,

plotter nglereni vinyl liyane

Langkah 3. Transfer kanthi mesin penet Panas kanthi suhu 165 ° C lan 25 detik.

Kita nyedhiyakake ukuran 50cm X30M, 100cm X 30M saben gulungan, ukuran liyane dibutuhake. Cocog kanggo kain: 100% Katun, campuran poliester / katun,

polyester / akrilik, Nylon / Spandex, kulit Ponggawa, etc.

Kanggo liyane, mangga bukak…/

utawa kontak karo Ms Tiffany sampel gratis

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Mbak Tiffany


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#printableglitter #phototransferpaper

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