Eco-Solvent Printable PU Flex HTW-300SRP | Eco-Solvent Max Ink | AlizarinChina.Com

We nyedhiyakake paling laris, rega ekonomi Printable PU Flex HTW-300SRP kanthi potongan sing apik, bisa dicuci apik sing bisa dicithak dening Roland, Mimaki Print lan dipotong nganggo tinta Eco-Solvent Max kanggo dekorasi sandhangan.

Langkah 1. Dicetak dening printer inkjet Eco-solvent, kayata Mimaki CJV, Roland Bn20, 300i kanthi tinta Eco-Solvent Max,

Langkah 2. Cutting dening mejo nglereni plotter kayata Roland GS24, Mimaki CG60, Graphtec CE6000 etc.

Langkah 3. Nransfer dening mesin penet panas 165 derajat lan 25 ~ 35 detik kanggo kain.

Kanggo liyane, mangga bukak ,

utawa hubungi liwat ngobrol karo Pak Henry liwat WhatsApp sampel gratis

Matur nuwun lan salam hormat
Pak Henry

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Wektu kirim: Aug-13-2022

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