Logo warna-warni kanggo cangkir lan cangkir keramik kanthi decal transfer panas Eco-Solvent sing bisa dicithak kanthi mesin penet panas roller


Printable Heat Transfer Decal Foilsing bisa digunakake dening printer lan pemotong Eco-Solvent, kayata Mimaki CJV150, Roland Versa CAMM VS300i, Versa Studio BN20, kanggo kabeh proyek kerajinan sampeyan. Pribadhi lan ngatur proyek sampeyan kanthinyetakdesain unik ing foil decal kita. Transfer decals foil menyang ubin keramik, marmer, cangkir porselen, cangkir keramik, kaca, watu kristal, piring Aluminium, logam, bahan plastik lan lumahing hard liyane

lan kita nyedhiyakake layanan ODM, kanggo luwih akeh, hubungi Pak Henryhttps://wa.me/8613599392619e-mail:cc@alizarin.com.cnkanggo sampel gratis

Best Regard
Pak Michiaels

Alizarin Technologies Inc.
Telpon: 0086-591-83766293/83766295
FAX: 0086-591-83766292

ADD: 901~903, gedung NO.3, UNIS SCI-TECH Park, Fuzhou High-Tech Zone, Fujian, China.
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Wektu kirim: Jun-28-2023

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