Gawe Foto lan Gambar Sampeyan Kanthi Kertas Decal Geser Banyu Kanggo album foto Stainless Steel

Gawe Foto lan Gambar Album foto Stainless Steel nganggo Kertas Decal WaterSlide Eco-Solvent (WS-150S Clear) sing dicithak dening printer lan pemotong Eco-Solvent, kayata Mimaki CJV150, Roland TrueVIS SG3, VG3 lan VersaSTUDIO BN-20.

1. Print foto amd gambar dening printer Eco-Solvent

2.Cut pola dening vinyl nglereni plotters

3. Selehake decal sing wis dipotong ing banyu 55 derajat sajrone 30-60 detik utawa nganti tengah decal bisa gampang digeser. Buang saka banyu. copot outline

4. Cepet aplikasi menyang lumahing decal resik banjur copot operator alon-alon konco decal, remet gambar lan mbusak banyu lan umpluk saka kertas decal.

5. Ayo decal disetel lan garing paling sethithik 48 jam. Aja nyedhiyakake sinar srengenge langsung sajrone wektu kasebut.

Cathetan: Yen sampeyan pengin gloss, atose, washability, etc., sampeyan bisa nggunakake varnish polyurethane, varnish akrilik, utawa varnish UV-curable kanggo nyemprotake perlindungan jangkoan.

Kita nggawe kabeh jinis kertas geser banyu kanggo proyek kerajinan permukaan sing keras, bukak, utawa Ngobrol karo Mbak Wendy liwat WhatsApp ngirim liwat sampel gratis

Matur nuwun lan Best Regard

Mbak Wendy

Alizarin Technologies Inc.

Telpon: 0086-591-83766293/83766295

FAX: 0086-591-83766292


ADD: 901~903, gedung NO.3, UNIS SCI-TECH Park, Fuzhou High-Tech Zone, Fujian, China.

Wektu kirim: Jul-21-2024

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