26th Sina Yiwu International Commoditates Fair (MMXX Yiwu Fair)

26th Sina Yiwu International Commoditates Fair (Yiwu Fair), 26 Sina Yiwu International Commoditates Fair (Yiwu Fair), MMXX


Tempus: 21st - 24th Oct., 09:00 -17:00
Time: 25th Oct, 09:00-14:00
Venue: Yiwu International Expo Centrum Pavilion: Yiwu International Centrum Expo
Booth: G16-F45
Exhibet: 1. Inkjet calor charta translationis (HT-150P, HTS-300, HTS-300GL, HT-150EX etc.);
2. Laser impressionis caloris chartam translationis (TL-150P, TL-150E, TWL-300R);
3. Pretty stickers Forma caloris translatio PU flex cum Eco-solvente & Latex print & sectis ad fabricam (HTW-300SRP, HTW-300SE, HTS-300SB etc.)
4. Et calor Cuttable transfert PU flex ad numerum vestimentorum & ornamentorum logo (CCF regularis, CCF-EFFECT, CCF-GRO, CCF-Premium etc).

Grata umbraculum nostrum! grata tabernacula nostra visere!

Post tempus: Sep-12-2021

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