Brilliant Golden Printable PU Flex HTG-300SB |

Alizarin Factory copiam HTG-300SB Eco-Solvent Formam splendidam Aurei PU flex qui ab Eco-solvente atramento, latex atramento, UV atramento splendide coloratus 100% bombacio Jeans, Canvas pera cum lavabili bono et nitore colore retentio.

1. Typographia #Roland VS300i, 540i & Bn20;

#Mimaki CJV cum BS4 atramento, vel alio genere typographorum Eco-solventium;

#HP Latex inkjet typographi;

et #UV inkjet typographi.

2. Translatio ab Calore apparatus torcularis cum 165°C et 15~ 25sec ad omnes species fabricae 100% bombicis, polyester%, polyester/boticon mixtio, corium artificiosum, etc.

3. Secans fabricae sectione insidiator

4. Size: 50cm X30M, 100cm X 30M uterque volumen

Plus, quaeso, visita, vel contactum nobiscum gratis exempla

#heattransfervinyl #vinylcutter #transferpaper #cameo4 #cricut #rolandbn20 #mimaki #inkjettransferpaper #printablevinyl #phototransferpaper #EasyPatterns #printableglitter

Post tempus: Iun-23-2021

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