Ad meridiem in tenebris Transfer charta pro textilibus HTGD-300

Productum:Glow in Dark Transfer Paper for textilia


  1. Potest imprimere inkjet normali typographo fuco vel pigmento inks;
  2. Accedit etiam manum attrahentem a titulo, pennae colore, crayons etc.;
  3. Potest calor transferri in bombacio, 100% polyester, vel xylinum/polium mixtum;
  4. Torcular calefacere potest ab utroque calore apparatus et domus ferrata.

Pro magis details, pete Wendy per whatsapp Gratias agimus tibi.


Gratias et optime de

Ms Wendy

Alizarin Technologies Inc.

TEL: 0086-591-83766293/83766295

FAX: 0086-591-83766292


DDD: 901~903, NO.3 aedificium, unis SCI-TECH Park, Fuzhou High-Tech Zonam, Fujian, China.


#Glowinthedarktransferpaper#heatpress #glowindarkinkjetpaper #printableGlowinDark #printableheattransfervinyl #ironontransfers #ironontransferpaper #darktransferpaper #heatprinting #glowindarkpaper#coolDIY #handdrawtransferpaper

Post tempus: May-10-2024

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