Shanghai signum expo | Forma Reflective PU Flex HTS-300SRF |

Eco-solventes figurae PU flex varias pro Eco-solvente et incisa impressorum InkJet, ut Rolandi VS300i, 540i, Rolandi BN20, Mimaki CJV150-107, vel ab uno Eco-solvente typographo excusum, ac deinde a Vinylo incisum. insidiatorem secans. quae proprietates habent molles tactus, nitidissimi coloris typographici, et aquae excellentiae resistentia. Elit providere cum varietate spatii creantis;
Materiae praebere possumus:
1. Lux Eco-Solvent Forma PU flex (HT-150S)
2. Dark Eco-Solvent Forma PU flex (HTW-300SRP)
3. argentum fulgens HTS-300SGL (argentum fulgens)
4. Brilliant metalized HTS-300SB
5. Aurea fulgens HTG-300SB
6. Forma Reflective HTS-300SRF
7. Forma Globuli in tenebris HTGD-300S
8. Bacca alba HTW-300SF
vel contactum cum Ms Tiffany exempla
Gratias et optime de
Tiffany Ms
Procurator Sales Dept.
#heattransfervinyl #printableflock #alizarin #prettystickers #heatpressmachine #phototransferpaper #vinylcutter #inkjetphotopaper #printandcut #inkjettransferpaper #solventprinter #Roland #Mimaki #graphtec

Post tempus: Aug-28-2022

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