
Eco-Solvent InkJet Adhesive Synthetic Paper

Ingoa Hua: Eco-Solvent InkJet Adhesive Synthetic Paper
Waituhi Hototahi: Waituhi i runga i te whakarewa, te waituhi Eco-Solvent

Taipitopito Hua

Whakamahi Hua

Taipitopito Hua

Whakatakotoranga: 36"/50''/60'' X 30 Mt's Roll
Waituhi Hototahi: Waituhi i runga i te whakarewa, te waituhi Eco-Solvent

Nga ahuatanga taketake

Matotoru (tapeke)


Nga Tikanga Whakamatau

220 μm (8.66mil)

ISO 534


96 W (CIE)

CIELAB - Pūnaha

Te tere whakamarumaru


ISO 2471

Moama (60°)


1.Whakaahuatanga whanui
Ko te PPAG-120S he pepa waihanga 120μm kua whakakikoruatia ki te whakakikorua o te waituhi Eco-solvent me te whakapiri-whaiaro o te kiriaku, He pai te whakauru waituhi me te taumira teitei. No reira he whakaaro mo nga kaituhi ahua nui penei i a Mimaki JV3, Roland SJ/EX. /CJ, Mutoh Rock Hopper I/II/38 me etahi atu kaituhi waituhi mo nga kaupapa whakaatu o roto me waho.

2.Te tono
E taunaki ana tenei hua mo te whakamahi i roto me te waa poto o waho.

■ Warati waho mo te 12 marama
■ Te horomanga waituhi teitei
■ Taumira taa teitei
■ He pai te aukati o te rangi me te aukati wai

Uasge Hua

4. Nga Tohutohu Kairereta
Ka taea te whakamahi i roto i te nuinga o nga miihini miihini whakarewa-whakarewa teitei, penei i: Mimaki JV3, Roland SOLJET, Mutoh Rock Hopper I/II, DGI VT II, ​​Seiko 64S me etahi atu momo miihini whakarewa-whakarewa nui.

5.Tautuhinga Pūreretā
Ngā tautuhinga pūreretā waituhi: He nui ake i te 350% te rōrahi waituhi, kia pai ai te kounga o te tā, me whakarite te tā ki te taumira teitei.

6.Whakamahia me te rokiroki
Te whakamahi me te rokiroki o nga rawa: te haumākū whanaunga 35-65% RH, te pāmahana 10-30 ° C.
I muri i te maimoatanga: Ko te whakamahinga o tenei rauemi ka nui ake te tere whakamaroke, engari ko te awhiowhio, te whakairinga ranei me whakanoho mo etahi haora, roa atu ranei, i runga i te nui o te mangumangu me te taiao mahi.

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