Ngā Tauira-Ngāwari | Puke-Tauira ngawari | JetPlus-Pouri |

Ka whakaputahia e matou etahi momo momo Eco-Solvent Printable PU Flex e taia ana e nga miihini Eco-Solvent penei i a Mimaki CJV, Roland VS540i BN20, me te taherapa HP 315 hei Hanga i tetahi Peeke Tauira-Maamaa me etahi atu mea kei a raatau nga ahuatanga. o te ringa ngawari, te tae kanapa o te ta, me te pai o te atete ki te wai. Hei whakarato i nga kaihoko ki nga momo waahi auaha,

Nga rauemi ka taea e matou te whakarato:

1. Maama Eco-Solvent Pu Flex Taea (HT-150S)
2. Pouri Eco-Solvent Pu Flex Taea (HTW-300SRP)
3. Hiriwa kanapa HTS-300SGL (hiriwa kanapa)
4. HTS-300SB (metara kanapa)
5. He koura kanapa HTG-300SB
6. Whakaata HTS-300SRF ka taea te ta
Mo etahi atu korero, tirohia, whakapā atu ranei ki a Ms Tiffany ranei ma te nga tauira kore utu

Akoranga ma te taahiraa:

Hipanga 1. Te Taa ma te Roland Bn20, nga Kai-whakarewa Eco-solvent, HP Latex, me te UV me to tatou Eco-Solvent Printable PU Flex Vinyl hei hanga tauira rereke i roto i te meneti.
Hipanga 2. Tapahia e te papapu vinyl tapahi kaiparau pera i Cameo4, Cricut, panda Mini cutter, etc.
Hipanga 3. Te whakawhiti ma te miihini wera, he rino whare ranei tetahi paparanga rereke ranei hei hanga reta karakara ki runga T-hate, kakahu hakinakina me te waatea, peeke hakinakina me nga tuhinga whakatairanga.

Nga mihi me te mihi nui

Alizarin Technologies Inc.
Waea Waea: 0086-591-83766293/83766295
FAX: 0086-591-83766292
ADD: 901 ~ 903, NO.3 whare, UNIS SCI-TECH Park, Fuzhou High-Tech Rohe, Fujian, Haina.

#heattransfervinyl #printableflock #alizarin #prettystickers #heatpressmachine #phototransferpaper #vinylcutter #inkjetphotopaper #printandcut #inkjettransferpaper #Easy-Patterns #Easy-Patterns Bag

Wā tuku: Akuhata-12-2022

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