HTS-300SRF Pu Flex ka taea te whakaputa mo nga kakahu mahi karakara

Ka tukuna e matou he PrettyStickers HTS-300SRF Pu Flex ka taea te whakaputa mo nga kakahu Mahi karakara, ka taea e koe te whakanui ake i te tirohanga me te paparanga poaka whakaata mo o kakahu Mahi i raro i te rama.

Waehere: HTS-300SRF
Hua: Alizarin PrettyStickers Ka taea te whakaputa whakaata PU Flex
Rahi: 50cm te whanui me te 30 mita mo ia pukapuka
Pūreretā: Eco-Solvent inkjet pūreretā / HP Latex inkjet pūreretā / UV inkjet pūreretā
Kaitapahi: Nga momo momo tapahi vinyl katoa
Heat Press: 150 ~ 165 ° C me 15 ~ 25sec
Te papanga: 100% te miro, te miro me te whakakotahitanga polyester, 100% te papanga miro, te hiako horihori etc.

Mo etahi atu korero, tirohia,

whakapā mai ki a matou Ms Tiffany: WhatsApp nga tauira kore utu

Nga mihi me te mihi nui

Mr Michiaels

#heattransfervinyl #printableflock #alizarin #prettystickers #heatpressmachine #phototransferpaper #vinylcutter #inkjetphotopaper #printandcut #inkjettransferpaper

Te wa tuku: Sep-12-2023

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