Sublimation-Flock HTF-300S i taia e EPSON L805 me te waituhi whakaheke me te tapahi e te kaitapahi tepu |

Koinei te Sublimation-Flock HTF-300S i hangaia e ta maatau kamupene. I te tuatahi, taia ki runga pepa whakawhiti whakahekenga na Epson L805 me te waituhi whakararo. ka, Whakawhiti te wera i te tauira o te pepa whakawhiti whakaraerae ki Sublimation -Flock HTF -300S ma te miihini wera wera me te 165°C me te 15~25 tuarua,tuatoru, te tapahi ma te kaitoi tapahi penei: Silhouette CAMEO4, Cricut,Ka mutu, ko te ka whakaekea te Sublimation-Flock HTF -300S ki runga i te 100% miro, polyester-cotton i whakakotahi i nga papanga ma te miihini whakawhiti wera.Ko nga ahuatanga tino pai o tenei hua: nga tae kanapa, te kakano pupuhi, te horoi pai.
Tirohia koa te tukanga whakaputa i raro nei.

Rahi: A4(210mm X 297mm)-50 pepa/pueke,
A3(297mm X 420mm) -50 rau/pueke,
He reta (8.5” X 11”) -50 rau/pueke,
B pukapuka pukapuka (11” X 17”) -50 pepa/pueke

Hipanga 1. Hangaia nga pikitia ka taea te ta, me nga pikitia ka taea te tapahi, ka ta i nga pikitia na Epson L805 me te waituhi whakaraerae ki te pepa whakawhiti whakaheke.
Hipanga 2. Whakaritehia te taha tauira o te pepa whakawhiti whakaheke me te taha o te kahui, me te pepa whakawhiti i runga ake, te tauira o te whakawhiti pepa whakawhiti ki te Sublimation-Flock HTF-300S ma te miihini wera wera me te 165 ° C me 15~25 hēkona.
Hipanga 3. Te tapahi ma te tapahi vinyl tepu penei i te #Cricut, #Cameo4, #Panda Mini Cutter, Brother #ScanNcut
Hipanga 4. Whakawhitia Sublimation-Flock HTF -300S ki nga kakahu ma te miihini wera me te 165 ° C me te 15 ~ 25 hēkona.

#heattransfervinyl #vinylcutter #transferpaper #cameo4 #cricut #inkjettransferpaper #printablevinyl #alizarin #inkjetprinters #printableflock #phototransferpaper

Wā tuku: Hūrae-30-2022

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