Pepa Whakawhiti laser TL-150P na fuji Xerox |

Ka tukuna e matou he pepa whakawhiti laser TL-150P i taia e Fuji xerox laser peita pepa ma te pepa, ka whakawhiti ki runga i nga momo ma, papanga maamaa ranei ma te miihini miihini wera me te pai o te tae o te tae, te pai o te horoi horoi.

Mo etahi atu korero, tirohia

Ētahi atu korero, paatohia te hononga whatsapp te korerorero. tuku ranei ma te mē 

Nga mihi me te mihi nui
Whaea Tiffany

Alizarin Technologies Inc.
Waea Waea: 0086-591-83766293/83766295
FAX: 0086-591-83766292

ADD: 901 ~ 903, NO.3 whare, UNIS SCI-TECH Park, Fuzhou High-Tech Rohe, Fujian, Haina.

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Wā tuku: Akuhata-08-2022

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