Akoranga mo te Pepa Whakawhiti Wera kanapa ki te Whakawhaiaro i te Peeke Kanaweti-Taupiri Motuhake

Me pehea te whakawhaiaro i te peeke kanapa me te hua kanapa motuhake? E toru nga taahiraa hei whakaoti!

Tuatahi, taia te ahua whakaata ki runga i te pepa #Alizarin Glitter Inkjet Transfer Paper A4. Ko te kairereta waituhi tepu noa me te waikano me te mangumangu waituhi e ranea ana hei mahi i tenei mahi.

Tuarua, pehi wera i te 185 ℃, 15 hēkona. Mena he pai ki a koe te rino, he pai te rino o te whare.

Ka mutu, tihorea te wera, te makariri ranei i te tuara o te pepa whakawhiti kanapa.

Mo etahi atu korero, imeera mai ki a Wendy imarketing@alizarin.com.cnWhatsApp raneihttps://wa.me/8613506996835. Mihi.



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Wā tuku: Nov-28-2023

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