logos u numri gradjent stampati minn Eco-Solvent Printable Glitter HTS-300SGL | AlizarinChina.com

Tista 'tagħmel logos u numri gradjent b'Eko-Solvent Printable Glitter HTS-300SGL għal T-shirts ikkuluriti

1. Alizarin HTS-300SGL Glitter Stampabbli Eko-Solvent:
50cm X30M, 100cm X 30M kull roll
2. Stampat minn Roland VS300i, 540i & Bn20, Mimaki CJV b'linka BS4, jew tip ieħor ta 'printers Eco-solvent
3. Maqtugħ minn Roland, Mimaki bi plotter tat-tqattigħ, jew Graphtec CE6000, plotter ieħor tal-qtugħ tal-vinil
4. Ittrasferit minn magna ta 'l-istampa tas-sħana b'165 °C u 25sec.
Għal aktar, jekk jogħġbok żur

Ħin tal-post: 26-Settembru 2022

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