Eco-Solvent Printable Glitter HTS-300SGL |

Product Detail

Kushandiswa Kwechigadzirwa

Product Detail

Alizarin fekitori inopa kucheka kwakanaka, yakanaka washabilityEco-solvent Printable GlitterHTS-300SGL ine glitter metallic effect, yakadhindwa neEco-solvent inkjet printers, UV inkjet printers, uye latex inkjet printers, Ipfungwa yezvipfeko zvemitambo zvine mavara, Ndokumbira utarise vhidhiyo yeNhanho nenhanho dzidzo pazasi.

Danho 1. Kudhinda neEco-Solvent maprinta: akadaiRoland VS300i, 540i & Bn20,Mimaki CJV ine BS4 inki, kana mamwe marudzi eEco- Solvent printers; HP latex ink jet printers;

uye UV ink jet printers.

Danho 2. Kucheka naRoland, Mimaki, Graphtec CE6000 vinyl yekucheka plotter,

imwe vinyl yekucheka plotter

Danho 3. Kuendesa nemuchina weKupisa wekutsikirira une 165°C uye 25sec.

Isu tinopa saizi ye50cm X30M, 100cm X 30M yega roll, mamwe saizi anodiwa. Inokodzera jira: 100% Cotton, musanganiswa wepolyester / donje,

polyester/acrylic, Nylon/Spandex, Artificial dehwe, etc.

Kuti uwane zvimwe, ndapota shanya…/

kana kuonana naMs Tiffany samples

Thanks and best respect

Ms Tiffany


#heattransfervinyl #vinylcutter #transferpaper #cameo4 #cricut #rolandbn20 #mimaki #inkjettransferpaper #printablevinyl #alizarin #inkjetprinters #printableflock

#printableglitter #phototransferpaper

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