Logos Uye Nhamba dzeGradient Pateni NeEco-Solvent Inodhinda Inopenya HTS-300SGL | AlizarinChina.Com

Unogona kugadzira marogo nenhamba neEco-Solvent Printable Glitter HTS-300SGL yemaT-shirts ane mavara.

1. Alizarin HTS-300SGL Eco-Solvent Printable Glitter:
50cm X30M, 100cm X 30M imwe neimwe roll
2. Yakadhindwa naRoland VS300i, 540i & Bn20, Mimaki CJV ine ingi yeBS4, kana mamwe maprinta eEco-solvent
3. Yakachekwa naRoland, Mimaki ine cutting plotter, kana Graphtec CE6000, imwe vinyl cutting plotter
4. Kuendeswa neHeat press machine ine 165 ° C uye 25sec.
Kuti uwane zvakawanda, ndapota shanya

Nguva yekutumira: Sep-26-2022

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