Brilliant Golden Heat Transfer Decals Foil (HSF-GD811) Pikeun Kopi Keramik Logo Audi

Emas cemerlangCuttable Transfer Panas Decal Foil( HSF-GD811) nu bisa dipaké ku meja vinyl cutting plotter kayaning Cameo4, Cricut, panda Mini cutter, jsb Personalisasi jeung ngaropéa Labels anjeun, Logos, Merk Bahan plastik kumotongandesain unik dina foil decal kami. Mindahkeun decals foil kana (dilapis)Labels, Logos, Merk Keramik Mug ku Roller mesin pencét panas

Ukuran Standar
50cm x 30 M roll, A4 (210mm X 297mm) cadar, A3 (297mm X 420mm), dimensi sejen tur kelir tukang husus sadia on pamundut.

Ditransfer ku roller mesin pencét panas

Step1: ngagunakeun vinyl cutting plotters

Step2: ditransfer ku Roller mesin pencét panas kalawan 165 ° C sarta 60second pikeun 3 ~ 6 bunderan

Step3: mesek kaluar pilem aplikasi kalawan haneut atawa tiis

Kami ngadamel sagala jinis foil decal transfer panas pikeun proyék karajinan permukaan anu keras, Ngobrol sareng Ibu Wendy ku WhatsApp ngirim ku sampel bebas

Hatur nuhun sareng Hormat

Cik Wendy

Alizarin Technologies Nyarita.

Telepon: 0086-591-83766293/83766295

FAX: 0086-591-83766292


ADD: 901 ~ 903, wangunan NO.3, UNIS SCI-TECH Park, Fuzhou High-Tech Zona, Fujian, Cina.

waktos pos: Sep-05-2023

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