Super-Halus motong Eco-pangleyur diprint PU Flex HTW-300SR V3M2 |

Alizarin suplai pabrik motong Super-Fine, alus washability Eco-pangleyur Printable PU Flex HTW-300SR V3M2 dumasar kana ganda matte Bo-PET pilem garis kalawan semi-matte rengse, nu dicitak ku Eco-pangleyur inkjet printer, UV inkjet printer, sarta lateks printer inkjet, Ieu mangrupakeun ide pikeun baju olahraga warni, Cocog jeung lawon: 100% Katun, campuran poliéster / katun, poliéster / akrilik, nilon / Spandex, kulit jieunan, jsb Mangga lalajo video Step by step tutorial handap.

Lengkah 1. Nyitak ku panyitak Eco-Solvent: sapertos Roland VS300i, 540i & Bn20, Mimaki CJV nganggo tinta BS4, atanapi jinis printer Eco- Solvent anu sanés; HP latex ink jet printer; jeung printer ink jet UV.

Lengkah2. Motong ku Roland, Mimaki, Graphtec CE6000 vinyl cutting plotter, vinyl motong plotter séjén

Lengkah 3. Mindahkeun ku mesin pencét Panas kalayan 165 ° C sareng 25 detik.
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waktos pos: Jun-23-2021

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