step by step video tutorial of Eco-solvent Dark diprint Flex (HTW-300SRP) dicitak ku Roland VS540i |

Urang nyadiakeun pangalusna ngajual, harga ékonomi Printable PU Flex HTW-300SRP kalawan rupa-motong, bisa diumbah alus nu bisa dicitak ku Roland, Mimaki Print sarta motong pikeun hiasan garment.

Lengkah 1. Dicitak ku Eco-pangleyur inkjet printer, kayaning Mimaki CJV, Roland Bn20, 300i kalawan Eco-solvent Max inks,

Lengkah 2. Motong ku meja motong plotter kayaning Roland GS24, Mimaki CG60, Graphtec CE6000 jsb.

Lengkah 3. Mindahkeun ku mesin pencét panas 165 gelar jeung 25 ~ 35 kadua pikeun lawon.

Pikeun leuwih lengkep, mangga buka,

atanapi kontak sareng ngobrol sareng Bapak Henry ku WhatsApp sampel bebas

Hatur nuhun sareng hormat
Tuan Henry

Alizarin Technologies Nyarita.
Telepon: 0086-591-83766293/83766295
FAX: 0086-591-83766292

ADD: 901 ~ 903, wangunan NO.3, UNIS SCI-TECH Park, Fuzhou High-Tech Zona, Fujian, Cina.

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waktos pos: Dec-20-2022

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