Printable Brilliant Golden HTG-300SB printed by Eco-Solvent ink, latex ink, UV ink for Personalized Brilliant colorful Apparel & Decorative Textiles, leathers |

We supply HTG-300SB Printable Brilliant Golden printed by Eco-Solvent ink, latex ink, UV ink for Personalized Brilliant colorful Apparel & Decorative Textiles, leathers

1. Printing by #Roland VS300i, 540i & Bn20,
                       #Mimaki CJV with BS4 ink, or other kind of Eco-solvent printers
                       #HP Latex inkjet printers
                and #UV inkjet printers.
2. Cutting by Vinyl cutting plotter such as Roland GS24, Mimaki CG60 etc.
3. Transferring by Heat press machine with 165°C and 15~ 25sec for all kinds of fabric 100% cotton, 100% polyester, polyester/cotton blend, artificial leather, etc.

Code: HTG-300SB
Products: Eco-Solvent Printable Brilliant Golden PU Flex
Size:  50cm X 30 Meter/Roll
Printers: Eco-Solvent/Latex/UV inkjet printers
Vinyl Cutter: All kinds of vinyl cutting plotter, such as Roland GS-24, Mimaki CG-60 etc.
Heat Press:150~165°C and 15~25sec
For more, please visit

or contact with Ms. Sunny by WhatsApp for free samples

Thanks and Best Regard
Ms. Sunny

Alizarin Technologies Inc.
TEL: 0086-591-83766293/83766295
FAX: 0086-591-83766292

ADD: 901~903, NO.3 building, UNIS SCI-TECH Park, Fuzhou High-Tech Zone, Fujian, China.

#heattransfervinyl #vinylcutter #transferpaper#cameo4 #cricut#rolandbn20 #mimaki #inkjettransferpaper #printablevinyl #alizarin #inkjetprinters

Post time: Nov-04-2022

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