I-Eco-Solvent Printable Glitter HTS-300SGL | AlizarinChina.com

Iinkcukacha zeMveliso

Ukusetyenziswa kweMveliso

Iinkcukacha zeMveliso

Umzi-mveliso we-Alizarin ubonelela ngokusika kakuhle, ukuhlambeka okulungileyoI-Eco-solvent Printable GlitterI-HTS-300SGL enesiphumo sesinyithi esimenyezelayo, esishicilelwe ngabashicileli be-inkjet be-Eco-solvent, abashicileli be-inkjet be-UV, kunye nabashicileli be-inkjet be-latex, Luluvo lweempahla ezimibalabala zemidlalo, Nceda ubukele ividiyo yeNyathelo ngenyathelo lesifundo ngezantsi.

Inyathelo loku-1. Ushicilelo ngabashicileli be-Eco-Solvent: njengeRoland VS300i, 540i & Bn20,Mimaki CJV nge BS4 inki, okanye ezinye iindidi zee-Eco- Solvent abashicileli; iiprinta zejethi zejethi ze-latex ze-latex;

kunye neeprinta zejethi ze-ink ze-UV.

Inyathelo2. Ukusikwa nguRoland, iMimaki, iGraphtec CE6000 isicwangcisi sokusika ivinyl,

esinye isicwangcisi sokusika ivinyl

Inyathelo lesi-3. Ukuhanjiswa ngumatshini wokushicilela ubushushu nge-165 ° C kunye ne-25sec.

Sinikezela ubungakanani be-50cm X30M, 100cm X 30M umqulu ngamnye, ezinye iisayizi ziyimfuneko. Ifanele ilaphu: 100% yelaphu, imixube yepolyester/umqhaphu,

i-polyester / i-acrylic, i-Nayiloni / i-Spandex, i-Artificial Leather, njl.

Ukufumana okungakumbi, nceda undwendwelehttps://www.alizarinchina.com/eco-solvent-glitter-silver…/

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Enkosi kwaye ngokulungileyo

UNksz Tiffany


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