Uphononongo luphumelele ibhetshi yokuqala yesatifikethi sobuchwephesha obuphezulu kwiPhondo laseFujian ngo-2021.

Uphononongo lwefektri ye-Fuzhou Alizarin Digital Technology Co., Ltd. iphumelele ibhetshi yokuqala yesatifikethi seshishini lobugcisa obuphezulu kwiPhondo laseFujian ngo-2021. Eli lixesha lesithathu elilandelelanayo sifumana isatifikethi seshishini lesizwe lobuchwepheshe obuphezulu. Uphando oluqhubekayo kunye nophuhliso, ukuveliswa kwezinto ezintsha, kunye nokubonelela ngeemveliso ezintsha ezinomtsalane yimisebenzi yethu engaguqukiyo.

Ixesha lokuposa: Aug-11-2022

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