yeyiphi i-laser yoshicilelo lwephepha lokuhambisa ubushushu olulungele wena |

Iphepha lokuGqithisela ngoMbala wokukhanya weLaser TL-150H-

2. Iprintwa ngabashicileli bedesika yelaser okanye ikopi yelaser enetoni eqhelekileyo efana ne-OKI, iKonic Minolta ene#Hayi-Sika
Ushicilelo lweLaser ukutshintshwa kobushushu kumalaphu alula (TL-150M)
Ushicilelo lweLaser ukudluliselwa kobushushu kumphezulu oqinileyo (TL-150H)

Iphepha lokuGqithisela ngoMbala weLaser TL-150P--

3. Iprintwa ngabashicileli bedesika yelaser okanye ikopi yelaser enetoni eqhelekileyo efana ne-OKI, iKonic Minolta
Ushicilelo lweLaser ukutshintshwa kobushushu kumalaphu alula (TL-150P)ukuba feed iphepha okuqhubekayo

Ixesha lokuposa: Jun-07-2021

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