Eco-Solvent Printable dake HTS-300SGL |

Alaye ọja

Lilo ọja

Alaye ọja

Alizarin factory ipese gige itanran, fifọ to daraEco-solvent Printable dakeHTS-300SGL pẹlu ipa didan didan, eyiti a tẹjade nipasẹ awọn atẹwe inkjet Eco-solvent, awọn atẹwe inkjet UV, ati awọn atẹwe inkjet latex, O jẹ imọran fun awọn aṣọ ere idaraya ti awọ, Jọwọ wo fidio ti Igbese nipa igbese ikẹkọ ni isalẹ

Igbesẹ 1. Titẹ sita nipasẹ awọn ẹrọ atẹwe Eco-solvent: biiRoland VS300i, 540i & Bn20,Mimaki CJV pẹlu BS4 inki, tabi awọn iru miiran ti Eco-solvent itẹwe; HP latex inki itẹwe;

ati UV inki itẹwe.

Igbesẹ 2. Ige nipa Roland, Mimaki, Graphtec CE6000 fainali gige Idite,

miiran fainali Ige plotter

Igbesẹ 3. Gbigbe nipasẹ ẹrọ titẹ Ooru pẹlu 165°C ati 25sec.

A pese iwọn ti 50cm X30M, 100cm X 30M eerun kọọkan, awọn iwọn miiran jẹ ibeere. Dara fun aṣọ: 100% Owu, awọn apopọ polyester/owu,

poliesita / akiriliki, Ọra / Spandex, Oríkĕ alawọ, ati be be lo.

Fun diẹ sii, jọwọ ṣabẹwo…/

tabi olubasọrọ pẹlu Ms Tiffany free awọn ayẹwo

O ṣeun ati ti o dara ju iyi

Iyaafin Tiffany


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#printableglitter #phototransferpaper

Lilo ọja

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