Home Iron-On Dark inkjet gbigbe iwe HTW-300EXP | AlizarinChina.com

Eyi ni ile Iron-On Dark inkjet gbigbe iwe ti a ṣe nipasẹ ile-iṣẹ Alizarin ni Ilu China, ẹgbẹ ẹhin ti iwe jẹ aworan panda alawọ ewe, ẹgbẹ miiran le ṣe tẹjade nipasẹ gbogbo awọn atẹwe inkjet pẹlu inki ti o da lori omi, inki pigment, bii Epson L805, Fọto 1390 ati bẹbẹ lọ, tabi ti a ya nipasẹ pen awọ omi, awọn crayons, pastel epo ati bẹbẹ lọ o rọrun lati gbe nipasẹ irin-ile lori funfun tabi awọ-ina, ati dudu 100% T-shirts owu.

Igbesẹ 1. Ti a tẹjade nipasẹ Epson L805 pẹlu awọn inki deede,
Igbesẹ 2. Gbigbe nipasẹ irin-irin-ile pẹlu SILK ~ WOOL eto, ati nipa A4 iwọn iwe ironing nipa 55 ~ 75 keji si 100% owu T-shirts owu, lilo iwọntunwọnsi titẹ tabi titẹ giga. irin tẹ yẹ ki o imolara ni pipade ìdúróṣinṣin.

Fun diẹ sii, jọwọ ṣabẹwohttps://www.alizarinchina.com/dark-inkjet-transfer-paper-product/,

tabi kan si Ms Wendy nipasẹ imeeli:marketing@alizain.com.cn, tabi iwiregbe pẹlu wa nipasẹ WhatsApphttps://wa.me/8613506996835fun free awọn ayẹwo

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Iyaafin Wendy
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Akoko ifiweranṣẹ: Oṣu Kẹjọ-02-2022

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