I-Eco-Solvent inkjet media

I-Eco-Solvent inkjet media

Ikhodi Imikhiqizo Ikakhulukazi Izici Oyinki Buka
I-PPAG-120S Eco-Solvent InkJet Adhesive Synthetic Paper I-Matte, ukuphrinta kwekhwalithi yesithombe. Ukusetshenziswa kwangaphandle kwe-POP kwangaphakathi noma kwesikhashana esifushane. Uyinki we-Eco-Solvent, uyinki we-HP Latex, uyinki ye-UV Okuningi
I-PPG-170S Iphepha le-Eco-Solvent Heavy Weight synthetic (elicwebezelayo) Ukucwebezela okuphezulu, ikhwalithi yokuphrinta isithombe, akukho ukungqubuzana komphetho. Ukusetshenziswa kwangaphandle kwe-POP kwangaphakathi noma kwesikhashana esifushane. Uyinki we-Eco-Solvent, uyinki we-BS4, uyinki ye-UV Okuningi
I-PEP-230S Iphepha Lesithombe Le-Eco-Solvent InkJet Elicwebezelayo Ukucwebezela okuphezulu, ikhwalithi yokuphrinta isithombe, akukho ukungqubuzana komphetho. Yenza ama-albhamu ezithombe, ukusetshenziswa kwe-POP kwangaphakathi noma kwesikhashana kwangaphandle kwesikhashana. Uyinki we-Eco-Solvent, uyinki we-BS4, uyinki ye-UV Okuningi
I-PPM-170S Iphepha lokwenziwa le-Eco-Solvent InkJet Heavy Weight... I-Matte, ikhwalithi yokuphrinta isithombe, akukho ukungqubuzana komphetho. Okokusebenzisa isibonisi se-POP sangaphakathi endlini noma sesikhashana. Uyinki we-Eco-Solvent, uyinki we-BS4, uyinki ye-latex ye-HP, uyinki ye-UV Okuningi
I-PEG-250S Eco-Solvent Ink Jet Backlit Film I-Translucent PP okokwenziwa okuhambisana nemvelo kufanelekile ukubonisa ibhokisi lokukhanya langaphakathi noma langaphandle Uyinki we-Eco-Solvent, uyinki we-BS4, uyinki ye-latex ye-HP, uyinki ye-UV Okuningi
CF-100S I-Eco-Solvent InkJet Transparent Film Ukucaca okuphezulu, ikhwalithi yokuphrinta isithombe, akukho ukungqubuzana komphetho. Isikrini noma amafilimu okuhlukanisa umbala, Uyinki we-Eco-Solvent, uyinki we-BS4, uyinki ye-UV Okuningi

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