2019 Umbukiso we-11 we-Qingdao International Textile Printing Industry

2019 Umbukiso we-11 we-Qingdao International Textile Printing Industry
Idethi: Juni 27-29, 2019
Ihholo Lombukiso: I-Qingdao International Expo Centre (Isifunda saseJimo)
Idokodo:: W1-063
Imikhiqizo ebonisiwe: i-laser printing thermal transfer paper (isixazululo se-laser esiqhubekayo sokuphrinta-ukusika) nezitika ezinhle (Ukuphrinta kwe-Roland nokusika isisombululo esihlanganisiwe), njll.
Imikhiqizo: iphepha lokudlulisa ukushisa kwe-laser (umbala laser Ukuphrinta nokusika okuqhubekayo),
I-Eco-Solvent PU flex ephrintekayo (i-Roland VS540i BN20 ukuphrinta nokusika) njll.


Isikhathi sokuthumela: Sep-10-2021

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