
Ikhodi Imikhiqizo Ikakhulukazi Izici Oyinki Buka
I-HTGD-300 I-Alizarin inikezela nge-HTG-300SB I-Brilliant G... Gcwalisa into emnyama yesithombe-chromic enokukhanya esisekelweni esimnyama kulayini wephepha wama-micron angu-170. Udayi ojwayelekile, uyinki we-pigment, noma uyinki we-sublimation Okuningi
I-HTS-300GL Inani Eliphansi Kakhulu I-China Manufacturer Supply A3... Umthelela we-glitter onengemuva elicwebezelayo nomthelela ocwebezelayo ngemuva kokudlulisela indwangu enombala okhanyayo nomnyama. Udayi ojwayelekile, uyinki we-pigment, noma uyinki we-sublimation Okuningi
I-Eco-Solvent Printable Glitter HTS-300SGL | U-Aliz... Okuningi
I-HTV-300S I-AlizarinChina ikhiqiza i-Self-Weeding Light Co... I-Vinyl flexIzakhiwo ezinhle zokusika nokukhipha ukhula, ezisetshenziselwa ukudluliselwa kuzikibha, isikhumba esinegwebu se-EVA nezicathulo I-Eco-solvent, i-Eco-Solvent Max, uyinki we-BS4, uyinki ye-latex ye-HP Okuningi
I-HTS-300SRF 2019 China New Design China Jumbo Roll Customer... Umthelela we-reflectiveNgomhlane we-metallic okhanyayo, ngemva kokuphrinta nokudlulisa, Khulisa umbala futhi ukhulise ukubonakala I-Eco-solvent, i-Eco-Solvent Max, uyinki we-BS4, uyinki ye-latex ye-HP Okuningi
I-HTS-300SRF Iphepha Lokudlulisa I-Laser Foil yaseChina elithengiswa Kakhulu Umthelela we-reflectiveNgomhlane we-metallic okhanyayo, ngemva kokuphrinta nokudlulisa, Khulisa umbala futhi ukhulise ukubonakala I-Eco-solvent, i-Eco-Solvent Max, uyinki we-BS4, uyinki ye-latex ye-HP Okuningi
I-HT-150S I-Eco-solvent Light Ephrintekayo i-PU Flex i-matte iqedwe nge-Hot Peel, ecwebezelayo eqedwe ngekhasi elibandayo, indwangu emhlophe, enombala okhanyayo ongu-100% wendwangu, ukotini/i-polyester eyinhlanganisela yendwangu. kuhle ukuwasheka Uyinki we-Eco-Solvent, uyinki we-BS4, uyinki ye-UV Okuningi
I-HTV-300S IVinyl Ephrintiwe ye-Eco-Solvent I-Vinyl flex Izakhiwo ezinhle kakhulu zokusika nokukhipha ukhula, ezisetshenziselwa ukudluliselwa kuma-T-shirts, isikhumba esinegwebu se-EVA nezicathulo Uyinki we-Eco-Solvent, uyinki we-BS4, uyinki we-latex we-HP Okuningi
I-HTW-300SE I-Eco-solvent Dark Printable PU Flex ithuthukiswe ngokukhethekile ephatha isiliphu esine-embossing samamodeli asekhaya noma amaphrinta asetshenzisiwe, ngokuphrinta kwekhwalithi yesithombe, nokusika okuhle kakhulu Uyinki we-Eco-Solvent, uyinki we-BS4, uyinki ye-latex ye-HP, uyinki ye-UV Okuningi
I-HTW-300SRP I-Eco-solvent Dark Printable PU Flex Intengo edume kakhulu nezomnotho Iphrinta i-PU Flex enekhwalithi yokuphrinta isithombe, ukunwebeka okumaphakathi, ukusikwa okuhle, okuwashekayo okuhle futhi kugcina umbala Uyinki we-Eco-Solvent, uyinki we-BS4, uyinki we-HP Latex, Okuningi
I-HTW-300S4 I-Eco-solvent Dark Printable PU Flex yakhelwe ngokukhethekile i-Mimaki BS3 ne-BS4 inki ukuze kuthuthukiswe ukushaqeka ngemva kokuphrinta nokudlulisa ukushisa. Uyinki we-Eco-Solvent, uyinki we-BS4, uyinki ye-latex ye-HP, uyinki ye-UV Okuningi
I-HTW-300S I-Eco-solvent Dark Printable PU Flex ISuper-Soft PU Flex ephrintwe amaphrinta e-inkjet e-Eco-Solvent anoyinki wezinkampani zangaphandle, ukuqina okuhle nombala ogcina isithombe Uyinki we-Eco-Solvent, uyinki we-HP Latex, uyinki ye-UV Okuningi

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