ikhathalogi yephepha lokudlulisa inkjet | AlizarinChina.com

Sinikezela ngokukhethwa okubanzi kwephepha lokudlulisa ukushisa lokuphrinta kwe-inkjet elinamaphrinta ejethi edeski ngemihlobiso yendwangu ngomshini wokucindezela ukushisa noma insimbi yasekhaya, futhi sihlinzeka ngenkonzo ye-ODM,
Ungachofoza isixhumanisi bese ulanda uhlu lwefayela le-Catalog PDF ngezansi, futhi wazi nge-Alizarin Panda InkJet Transfer Paper ngokuphelele.
i-alizarin yokudlulisa ukushisa umphakeli china

Isikhathi sokuthumela: May-07-2022

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