Phrinta futhi Sika imidiya | Amaphrinta we-Roland TrueVIS kanye ne-GS24 Cutters

Phrinta futhi Sika imidiya | Amaphrinta we-Roland TrueVIS kanye nama-GS24 Cutters:

1. Yenza futhi uphrinte izithombe

2. Maka indawo yokuma bese uyigcina njenge-AI noma i-EPS ukuze uthole okuphumayo kokuphrinta

3. Yenza umdwebo wokusika onqenqemeni bese uwulondoloza njengomdwebo we-AI wokukhipha i-Roland gs-24

4. Layisha isithombe esiphrintiwe kusisiki se-gs-24 ukuze usikwe


Isikhathi sokuthumela: Sep-11-2021

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