I-HTS-300SRF I-PU Flex ecwebezelayo ephrintekayo yezingubo Zomsebenzi ezimibalabala

Sihlinzeka nge-PrettyStickers HTS-300SRF ecwebezelayo ecwebezelayo ye-PU Flex yezingubo Zomsebenzi ezimibalabala, ungakwazi ukwandisa ukubonakala ngongqimba olukhanyayo lwe-pigment yezingubo zakho Zomsebenzi ngaphansi kokukhanyisa.

Ikhodi: HTS-300SRF
Imikhiqizo: I-Alizarin PrettyStickers I-PU Flex ephrintekayo
Usayizi: 50cm ububanzi kanye 30 imitha roll ngayinye
Amaphrinta: Amaphrinta e-inkjet e-Eco-Solvent / Amaphrinta e-inkjet e-HP Latex / Amaphrinta we-inkjet we-UV
Umsiki: Zonke izinhlobo ze-vinyl cutting plotter
Ukucindezela kokushisa: 150~165°C no-15~25sec
Indwangu: Inhlanganisela kakotini engu-100%, ukotini ne-polyester, i-canvas kakotini engu-100%, isikhumba sokwenziwa njll.

Ukuze uthole okwengeziwe, sicela uvakashelehttps://www.alizarinchina.com/eco-solvent-printable-reflective-pu-flex-product/,

xhumana nathi Nks Tiffany: WhatsApphttps://wa.me/8613506998622amasampula mahhala

Ngiyabonga futhi Ukuhlonishwa Okungcono Kakhulu

UMnu. Michiganels

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Isikhathi sokuthumela: Sep-12-2023

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