Yenza Izinombolo Nezimpawu Zezikibha, amajezi, Iyunifomu yeklabhu yegalofu NgeVinyl Ephrintiwe HTV-300S

I-Vinyl ephrintiwe i-HTV-300S ifaneleka ngokukhethekile ukudlulisa ukushisa ezindwangu ezimaholoholo, njengamajezi, ukugqokwa kwezemidlalo nokungcebeleka, izinombolo namalogo we-club Uniform, njll.

Ukuze uthole okwengeziwe, sicela uvakashele:, noma Xoxa noNkz. Tiffany nge-WhatsApp uthumele mahhala


Ngiyabonga futhi Ukuhlonishwa Okungcono Kakhulu

UNksz Tiffany

Inkampani Alizarin Technologies Inc.
TEL: 0086-591-83766293/83766295
Ifeksi: 0086-591-83766292
ENGEZA: 901~903, NO.3 isakhiwo, UNIS SCI-TECH Park, Fuzhou High-Tech Zone, Fujian, China.

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Isikhathi sokuthumela: Sep-06-2023

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