I-Sublimation-Stop for Sport Inhlamba | I-Eco-Solvent Ephrintiwe PU Flex HTW-300SA | AlizarinChina.com

Njengoba sazi, izingubo ze-polyester zidaywe ngoyinki we-sublimation wemibala egqamile. Kodwa i-molecule ye-inks ye-sublimation ayithembekile ngisho noma idayiwe nge-polyester fiber, ingafuduka noma kunini noma kuphi, uma uzophrinta isithombe kumikhiqizo ye-Sublimated, i-molecule ye-inki ye-sublimation ingangena ungqimba lwesithombe, Isithombe singcolile ngemva ngenkathi. Lokhu kunjalo ikakhulukazi ngokuphrinta okunemibala ekhanyayo engutsheni emnyama.

Sinikezela nge-#PrettyStickers Eco-solvent #Subi-Stop Printable PU Flex HTW-300SA ngelendlalelo esikhethekile esingavimbela ukufuduka kukayinki we-sublimation.

I-Basketball ne-football sublimated uniform 

Ikhodi yomkhiqizo: HTW-300SA
Igama Lomkhiqizo: I-Eco-solvent Subi-Stop Printable PU Flex
Ukucaciswa: 50cm XM/Roll, 75cm X 30M/Roll, eminye imininingwane iyadingeka.
Ukuhambelana kwe-Ink: #Mimaki BS4 inki, #Roland Eco-Solvent Max Ink, Mild-Solvent Ink, #HP Latex Ink njll.
Ukuze uthole okwengeziwe, sicela uvakashelehttps://www.alizarinchina.com/eco-solvent-subi-stop-printable-pu-flex-product/, noma thintana noMnu. henry nge-imeyili:cc@alizarin.com.cn, noma xoxahttps://wa.me/8613599392619amasampula mahhala

Ngiyabonga futhi Ukuhlonishwa Okungcono Kakhulu
UMnu. Henry

#heattransfervinyl #printableflock #alizarin #prettystickers #heatpressmachine #phototransferpaper #vinylcutter #inkjetphotopaper #printandcut #inkjettransferpaper #subli-stop #sublimation paper

Isikhathi sokuthumela: Aug-13-2022

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